Art and Science Images: Catalogue

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Catalogue Number Title Media Dimensions Comment
1. Of Time and Space 1 Lambda print, squash ball and wire, 2005  71 by 53cm  Compare with representations of gravitational waves in 2017.
2. RNR(detail) Lambda print, 2004  Original object 7.5 by 6.6cm  Comprised of found objects, electrical signage.
3. RNRN Lambda print,2004 80 by 101cm  Patterning comparable to DNA repeating sequences.
4. Of Time and of Space 2 Lambda print, 2 squash balls and wire, 2005  71 by 53cm  See for contemporary images related to the detection of gravitational waves.
5. Transformation Lambda print, 2006  31 by 103cm  A photographic exploration of a plant form.
6.  Morning Glory  Lambda print,2004  60 by 87cm  An example of the ability to highlight detail in the digital image,
7. Time and Space (The Swimmers) Lambda Print, 2006  51 by 35cm  
8. Electric Blue Digital file Unspecified  Source: Photographed at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.
9. Mask Lambda print, 2004  80 by 101cm  
10. Obsession Lambda print, 2004    A nightmare image of repetition.
11. Post Perspex box, found objects, 2006  24 by 24 by 23.5cmA post-apocalyptic world.
12. Probe Perspex box, found objects, 2006  24 by 24 by 23.5cmA contained environment suggestive of interplanetary probes.
13. Funghi Lambda print, 2004  93.5 by 79cmPhotographed in the Dandenong Ranges

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